Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Here are some pictures of the house! I know there are a TON here, but with a house this big, it takes a lot of pictures to get it all documented! Everything is here from all four bedrooms, to the attic, to views from the front balcony, to a few pictures from the yard... Enjoy, and please let us know if you have any questions.

View of the front of the house

Detail of the initials above the front porch. It is the letters "N," "J," & "G" layered on top of one another. This stands for "Nicholas J. Gantt," the man who built the house back in 1886/1887.

This is the "Queen Anne's porch"... a decorative balcony on the east side of the house. It is located above the screened-in porch.

One corner of the back yard...

10' x 20' storage building in back yard

Neat lamp post beside the driveway (west side of the house)

View of the right side of the front yard, as seen from the front balcony.

Center view from the front balcony

View of the left side of the front yard, as seen from the front balcony.

Door from the upstairs hallway to the front balcony...it has beautiful carving details as well as stained glass panes in it.

View of south side of the screened-in porch...

View of north side of the screened-in porch...

Living room (front door)

Living room (door to the little porch on the west side of the house)

Living room (broader view of west side of room)

Living room (in front of the front staircase)

Front staircase in living room

Living room as seen from front staircase

Fireplace hearth in living room

View from living room into parlor

View from parlor back into living room


Room downstairs that could be a 5th bedroom (we've used it as an art studio)

Room downstairs that could be a 5th bedroom (we've used it as an art studio)

Room downstairs that could be a 5th bedroom (we've used it as an art studio)

Room downstairs that could be a 5th bedroom (we've used it as an art studio)

Downstairs hallway, looking toward the front of the house

Downstairs hallway, looking toward the back of the house (left)

Downstairs hallway, looking toward the back of the house (right)

Stained-glass window in the downstairs hallway

Bathroom off the downstairs hallway

Bathroom off the downstairs hallway

Dining room (west side)

Dining room (east side)

Dining room chandelier (lights off)

Dining room chandelier (lights on)

Bathroom off of dining room, view 1 (this is the bathroom that was just completely re-done)

Bathroom off of the dining room, view 2

Breakfast room / office off of kitchen, view 1

Breakfast room / office off of kitchen, view 2

Laundry room

View down back staircase

Top of the front staircase

Tops of both staircases

2nd floor hallway (north end--facing back of house)

2nd floor hallway (south end--facing front of house)
2nd floor bathroom, view 1

2nd floor bathroom, view 2

clawfoot tub in 2nd floor bathroom
really neat, old sink in 2nd floor bathroom

detail of sink in 2nd floor bathroom

detail of neat, old faucet in neat, old sink in 2nd floor bathroom!

2nd floor bathroom, view 3
built-in drawers in 2nd floor bathroom

Bed 1, view 1

Bed 1, view 2

Bed 1, view 3

Bed 2, view 1

Bed 2, view 2

Bed 3, view 1

Bed 3, view 2 (window seats!!)

Bed 4, view 1

Bed 4, view 2

Bed 4, view 3

stairs to attic from 2nd floor hallway

view of attic (18' floor to ceiling!!)

stairs to widow's walk on top of the house (go up to the attic ceiling, where a hatch opens up onto the roof!!)